Sunday, 1 September 2013

Consumed by wanderlust!

A little note to begin with.  This post was written a few days ago whilst I was flying and as I did not have internet on flight, I decided to upload it now just the same since it was quite a special post.

I am writing this post whilst on a 7 hour flight to Amsterdam, where I'll catch a flight back home to Malta.

Ok let's back up a little.  I got the opportunity to visit the states, Chicago to be exact.  Not going into too much detail, the opportunity came along quite last minute and after making all the arrangements, off we went.  By we I mean me and my dad.  Now this holiday was a holiday of firsts for a number of reasons.  Firstly, I have never been on a trip with just my dad, it's usally the 4 of us or else it's me and my boyfriend.  I know some people might have been anxious about that but thank god I get along so well with my dad that I wasn't the least bit anxious.  I know everyone says this but my dad is super daddy and I couldn't have had a better man as my father, and the time spend together made me realise how truly lucky I am. 

Next first, I got to spend most of my days going round on my own.  Now that might have been a scary thing at first, I hate being alone, but I was super excited to be in the USA that I didn't bother with worrying about that plus Chicago proved to be such an easy and safe city that I honestly felt so safe and relaxed the whole time.  I had so many people saying the Americans are rude and all that but I honestly have to disagree.  People were extremely helpful and sweet.  It took a while to get used to people saying "how you doin'?" (Joey from Friends style) all the time in fact I ended up speaking to a couple of strangers just because I thought they were speaking to me directly when in fact they were just being nice.

Next first and most obvious is the actual visiting the US part.  I have travelled quite a bit but I'd never been over to the us and oh my god am I hooked.  Everything is just so American...I mean we see stuff in movies all the time but the funny thing that it's really just like that, down to the police sirens and Starbucks cups everywhere.

I also realised how tiny I really am.  That was sad.  I'm a tiny person even by Maltese standards, but when I went to get breakfast and couldn't reach the table or put on size XS stuff and everything went down to my knees I felt like a tiny bird in the middle of a great big city. Or Stuart Little.  Yeah you can call me Claire Little. 

Now I'm heading back, with Summer almost over. Sad moment.  But this holiday served to make me realise two things.  The first is that my love for travel has only increased.  The thrill of landing in a new place and exploring has never been stronger.  But at the same time I realised something else.  As much as I want to travel and love to, I want to come back home.  Not just this time round but in general.  Home will always be Malta for me no matter where I go.  The world is beautiful and I can't wait to see it all, but my little world in Malta, is even more and more beautiful.  So yeah, take me anywhere you want, any day, but make sure you bring me back! 

Claire xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hello! :)

    I've just nominated you for the Liebster award! Go on my blog and see the rules and also answer the questions I have asked you! While you're there feel free to check out my blog, and maybe follow back? :)

