Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Life is too damn short!

Hello everyone! I changed my layout yet again, as you can see! I'm not sure I like it that much yet but I'm always that way when it comes to new things.

Which comes to my post today.  I'm going to tell you why you should get up, stop being scared and do what you WANT to do now.  I've had a couple of people recently tell me that they think it's super cool that I just write whatever and although they love the idea of having a blog, they think they wouldn't be able to.  Now I'm not some super star blogger, far from it.  I'm just a plain old girl who loves to write and reads and watches too many blogs and vlogs.  It's obviously super cool when a reader shares your post or people comment on a post but it's seriously not the best part.

The best part is being able to do what I like and having the courage to do it.  If one person reads my post, that's enough, that's one person who spent a minute or two of their time reading my thoughts.  Now this idea goes out to all other stuff you want to do, not just writing or blogging.  Maybe you want to be a dancer but you think it's too late for you...it's NOT! It's scary at first and yeah, your heart skips a couple of beats, but at least you're not walking around with a bunch of "What If?"s!

So go ahead, do what you want to do, life is too damn short not to!


Monday, 15 April 2013

Super duper busy!

Hey guys! I haven't posted in a while just for the simple reason that I've been extremely busy with school stuff and dancing and work and all the million things I try to fit in my day! I'm not complaining but it's been hectic being me!

I'm going to write a relatively simple post today and it's going to be about things I'm loving at the moment!

First off, the weather! Now I'm not a Summer person, but I can't help but love this gorgeous weather we're having! I'm tempted to go have a dip this weekend it's been so warm and sunny! *happy dance*

Next thing I'm loving is all the new music my favourite artists are putting out! There's the new Rihanna song, 'Pour it Up', the new Chris Brown song 'Fine China', which reminded me so much of Michael Jackson and then, to make me super happy Avril Lavigne released a new song from her new album to come out later on this year, 'Here's to never growing up'. I've always loved Avril and I have a feeling this new album's going to sound like her old stuff.

I'm also loving the denim trend. How cool are the new playsuits and shirts that are so much in right now? I have to still get hold of some gorgeous pieces, but I'm loving the trend.

I've recently also started a new series, because I don't watch enough already!! I'm watching 'The Vampire Diaries' and it's soo addictive! I've never watched anything of the sort.  I wasn't a Charmed or Supernatural fan but damn this stuff is amazing! It also helps that there's the oh-so-yummy Ian Somerhalder in it! (Girls, go and google him NOW if you have no idea who he is!)

That's it basically! I'm sure I'm loving a million other things but I'm too tired to think too hard!

Enjoy the music and Mr.Somerhalder,

PS. The song titles are links to their videos, so you don't have to look them up!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Claire and Eve!

If you have my Facebook or my instagram then you've already come across me being overly happy that I am officially collaborating with the amazing www.eve.com.mt.  If not, let me explain how it's all going down.

Basically www.eve.com.mt is this great website where some of Malta's most amazing writers and bloggers write articles about different things.  From lifestyle tips to fashion to health, basically anything that comes to mind, you'll find on there.  As you can imagine little miss this and that is super happy to be writing for such a great website alongside so many local bloggers.

I shall be writing in the same style as I do here, that is,I'll write about any topic which comes to mind and I believe to be of interest to my readers.  And that's it basically.  You can go to the bloggers' bio section on their site, find my picture and be directed to all the articles I write.

I'm not just saying the site is great because I'm on it, it's super cool and unique for Malta, so go and have a look and if you want to keep track of what's on the site, like the page on Facebook and enjoy, I promise you won't be disappointed.

Claire xxx

Monday, 1 April 2013

The Girls' Bathroom!

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the girls' bathroom, you know when we go in groups and spend half an hour in there? Well, I was in a club last Saturday and I simply stood there and looked at what goes on and the sight was so funny, that I decided to share what I saw.

I realised that there is a number of different types of bathroom girls.  You see, you can learn a lot from looking at people, and that's what I did.  The first type of girl that catches your eye is the loud one.  This girl is usually surrounded by other girls who feel the need to speak at a level higher than everybody else.  We shall call these girls tigieg (translation - chickens).  These girls talk of intimate details in front of everybody as though they owned the place.  The probably discuss the guys who are standing outside like poor idiots waiting.  They will also laugh often and loudly, especially if they've been drinking.

You then have those two girls who stand in front of the mirror for what seems like ages, pouting like they're Victoria Beckham, putting on coats and coats of lipstick.  Their enemy is the mirror.  They look at it, and at everybody else for that matter, as though someone walked in on them in their own home.

You also have the fashionistas.  These girls are those who stand in a corner wanting everybody to look at them.  They are probably dressed in extreme outfits and used the trip to the bathroom as an excuse to walk around and show everyone how funky they're dressed.

You also find the two girls who have just walked in, but really need to go and so they stand by each cubicle looking all puppy eyed and hopping from one side to the other, hoping that someone will let them go before.  This never happens and they just have to wait.

And then you have the weird girl who's all alone, looking at people, and typing on her phone, ignoring everyone.

Any guesses to which category yours truly belongs?
Claire xxx