Sunday, 5 August 2012

U..yes U...choose the K or the S wisely!

A little side note before I start, I have never attempted to write a fashion blog so please excuse me if I don't do the fashion world justice.  

Like everyone, the TV during meal times is at the moment constantly fixed on Eurosport and the Olympics.  Now, those who know me well enough know the Claire and sports don't mix.  I don't enjoy watching it and I especially don't enjoy doing it, so if you're confused about why I shall be writing about the Olympics, you should know this post shall deal with something closer to my heart, fashion ( and a little complaining).

Just as the August heat has taken over Malta, we seem to have been taken over by the British patriotism bug.  But that's not the problem, I'll get to what's annoying me in a second.  The British have always been patriotic and anyone who's been to London knows that flags and the red, white and blue theme is constantly shoved into your face.  Also, the whole thing has recently entered the fashion world even more and pieces with the Union Jack on it or a mix of the three colours have become a must have.

But, of course, us Maltese have to be our usual selves and go and ruin the whole trend.  So what's happening?  The lovely Maltese, instead of pairing a plain denim short (please note the bold and underline word) with a basic t-shirt with the Union Jack on it, they go all out.  And whilst going all out and wearing red,blue and white pumps, red, blue and white sunglasses and red,blue and white head bands, they get confused.  Confused you say? Yes.  You see my fellow Maltese fashionistas lose track of which country they are endorsing and all of a sudden they go across to the other side, and put on a belt with the American flag on it.  Now I'm all for mixing patterns, don't get me wrong, the words patterns and mixing invented to go together, but from Union Jack to stars and stripes...hmm...not my piece of cake.  Now in the beginning of Summer, I thought it was a couple of people who by mistake over did it a bit, but as we are going into August, these dreadful UK and US walking cocktails keep on increasing and increasing.  You see, I work at a clothes shop, situated in Malta's largest shopping mall, so I luckily I get to see loads of these people.

I do actually have a picture a friend took of someone wearing just that, but I don't want to go all out just yet, we'll just have to wait and see if this "trend" is just a result of this heat getting to people's head.  And please remember guys, one country at a time, and the subtler the look, the more effective.  Leave the atrociousness for Lady Gaga. Or Elton John, depending on which side you're on!

Thursday, 2 August 2012

The heat is on!

Hello Readers!

Recently I've been finding myself to be a very indecisive person.  Those who know me know that I am a horrible control freak, I literally freak out big time if stuff are out of my control  in my life or if things do not go as planned.  However recently I've noticed that I've been having dilemmas on stuff.  Tiny stuff but still out of character for me.  For instance, in this horrible heat, I can't decide whether I want the AC in my room on or off.  Off makes my room unbearable and when I switch it on I can only stand it for 5 minutes, then I have to switch it off.  Now that's one example, but I've had many.  It could be the heat, or it could be that I am actually slowly losing my mind.

As you guys know (if you don't please refer to blog title above) my posts have no particular genre and I post on anything.  I've commented on music and current issues and today I'm going to try my hand at giving a film review and I shall be discussing Magic Mike, yeah the male strippers movie.  So all over Facebook and Twitter and stuff we've been seeing shirtless pictures of Channing Tatum and his six pack sporting costars and there's been hype about the movie for some time, so me and the girls decided to treat ourselves to a little eye candy and go watch the movie.  And I was disappointed.  Okay, the sexy scenes were hot and the guys looked amazing whilst being funny at times.  However, the plot seemed to be a little flat.  The part which should have been the most exciting ended up being the final scene which was cut quite suddenly.  The acting was OK, however filming seemed awkward.  I'm not sure if the quality of the movie changes depending on where you go and watch the movie, but for us it seemed as though the whole movie was shot using Instagram.  Channing was his awesome self yes, however, he was supposed to be a stripper and I honestly felt as though his scenes were auditions for Step Up, little choreographies full of hip hop moves and little stripping.  All in all I would probably not recommend this movie, I'd say skip it and watch it at home where you can fast forward to the sic pack bits only.  Oh, and a warning for the Matthew Mcconaughey fans out there, our dearly beloved Matthew is getting old, and he looks it in this movie! *insert funeral music here*

So that's it for today, I hope all of you are having a great Summer.  Enjoy it while it lasts as it will soon be over, days are already getting shorter in fact!

My song for this post is the new song from P!nk who as always never fails to disappoint.