Monday, 26 November 2012

My Top 5 Series!

So a friend of mine, well a couple of friends actually, tend to ask me what series they should start, which is most addictive, which one should they watch with their boyfriends, you know, advice from a series junkie like me.  So I'm going to post a few of my top favourites, not just current even old ones. Comment if you guys want to add something, I love it when you do.

1. All time favourite
This, without any doubts, goes to the one and only Desperate Housewives.  The show ended last year after an amazing 9 year run.  The show, for those few who haven't heard anything about it is based on the lives of 4 housewives and their lives on Wysteria Lane.  I love the show mostly because of 2 things; 1. It mixes drama and comedy so well without going too much over the top with one or the other.  2.  Although new characters come and go with every season, the core characters always remain and that sense of continuity make the show more enjoyable.  It also had an amazing ending, unlike some series which give you an ending which leaves you hanging.  Also, both guys and girls enjoyed the show so that's a bonus.

2.Couples Retreat
I actually never watch series with my boyfriend just because we simply never agree on stuff like this.  He's the sci-fi guy, I'm the gossipy fashionista lover, but this year I discovered the oh so gorgeous Matt Bomer and his show White Collar.  And finally, the beau and myself can enjoy a good 40 minutes watching TV together.  The show is basically about an ex-con and the FBI agent who arrests him.  There's a good balance of humor, mystery and hotness drama which makes the show enjoyable for both guys and girls. 

3.Calling all girls

If you haven't heard of the next show, it's either because you have been leaving on Mars or because you..well there's no excuse, you've definitely heard of Gossip Girl.  This little show took off 5 years ago, when blogging and such was still a bit less popular than it was today.  So you have the web, hot teens who look impeccable even if they are run over by a car and loads and loads of money.  Add fashion to that and there you go mother-chucker (sorry couldn't resist),you've got yourself  one hell of a show.  It comes to an end in a few weeks, so you have 6 great seasons to watch if you want to start now.  

4.Anatomy of a disaster
One guess which show I'm going to talk about next? Well, for those who have no clue what this slightly addicted girl is talking about, I'm talking about Grey's Anatomy.  I started watching this season almost as soon as it started out and although recently it's actually not been it's best. I still can't take myself away from this medical-drama.  It's become slightly predictive, being in its 9th season and all but it's still not a show I would stop watching.  It's cool if you love medical-dramas a' la ER, but it's also not for those who are too squeamish.  I've watched entire episodes with a pillow by my side to cover my eyes.  Oh. and grab a packet of tissues whilst you're at it.

5.scAry, AmAzing stuff
And last but not least, Pretty Little Liars...yaaaay.  Thought I was going to leave that out didn't you? No! So, again... amazing show.  I can't really explain much in a short paragraph, heck we're in season 3 and most things are still not explained.  But basically a group of 5 girls share loads of secrets, then one of them is killed and the girls start being stalked by this 'A' person.  The show is highly addictive and very, very, very, mind blowing at times. (I've screamed at the TV on more than one occassion)  No seriously, the show is a great one, the only negative thing I would mention is that it's split up into 2 half seasons, one in Summer, the rest starting from January which means between September and January, we are left with a gigantic cliff-hanger.

So there you go, my top 5.  Any suggestions for new stuff I haven't seen is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!


Thursday, 4 October 2012

What I'm loving!

Hey there! =)

Those of you who follow some sort of blog, mainly fashion and cosmetics ones, they tend to have particular types of posts which are done at some point.  Today I decided to the a very common type, the "what I'm loving" post.  I've mostly seen this with people talking about what products or trends they love but since my blog is much more random, I'm going to pick up a couple of things I'm loving, and blab on about them!

1. Season Premieres.
Being the TV series junkie that I am, October is my happy month because after a whole Summer of watching old episodes of my favourite series, I get to have new episodes to watch every week.  As I've said in previous posts, I watch a ton of different series and for me there's nothing like an evening with my Chuck Bass or Mr.McDreamy.  Plus creators go that extra mile in premiers and finales so episodes are uber special.  

2. Catrice and essence cosmetics!
Did you notice the exclamation mark at the end? Well if you didn't it's there to show how excited I am about these products.  I've always loved make up and stuff, you know I'm a girl, but these 2 brands take my love to another level.  They are amazing quality and all the colours and types of products I love are available in one or the other.  But that's not the best thing about them.  They're extremely cheap.  And  by cheap I mean, these brands are the Primark of make-up only quality is really amazing.  I'm not going into a lot of detail about what I got because that's not the type of blog I do, but to give you an idea, foundation, translucent powder and 1 nail polish cost only 10.22 Euro.  I've never even bough foundation at that price let alone all three products.  The only draw back is that the Health Shop at University stocks them, and our health shop is situated right below the canteen.  So every time I have to go to the canteen, I get to drag myself away from going the blessed shop.

This amazing band is my latest discovery and I simply love their music.  They are considered as pop/rock so they are a bit too commercial for my liking but the lead singer's voice is very different that I couldn't help get addicted.  They're also not bad to look at and they have that English boy look thing going on which I absolutely adore.  I'll post a song of theirs in the end so hang in there.

4. Sarcastic Memes
These have been around for a while but lately I am just addicted.  It's even funnier when they're shared around and I get to read one from a friend's Facebook and then share it on to another friend who has the same sense of humour as I do.  My recent favourite has to be the 50s style poster with some sarcastic or snide comment.  

I mean seriously, this is some funny shit!

And last but not least, Mr.Psy.  This ridiculous South Korean dude sings in Korean and we don't get a word of what he's saying except for the "heeeeey sexy lady" which is repeated a couple of times.  But, the dude also combines this singing with a choreography which is wrong on so many levels that I can't believe I actually like this dude.  I'm not sure if it's funny because it's so bad or if it's funny because it's actually funny.  I'm addicted anyway and I need my daily Psy fix to get through my days, don't judge! Oh, the song's called "Gangnam Style", just in case you haven't heard!

Anyway, that's it basically, my attempt at the "What I'm loving" post! Feedback and comments are always a plus!


Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Hi there! How's everyone doing?

I'm hoping that this post will help me deal with a particular embarrassing issue better.  So as everyone, or anyone that uses the internet all the time knows that anything that is of relevance requires one having an account.  Be it Facebook, Twitter, email, you name it, we all have loads of accounts.  But that's not what's bothering me.  I recently started using my Vodafone account again and I realized that you can't actually change he username.  Now you see I've been a Vodafone customer for over 7 years now and 7 years ago I was still in that awesome age where I thought my name was the best thing ever and I had to simply declare it to everyone.  So my account's username is now, 7 years later, still Claire_d_best.  Thank God I don't have to actually show it to anyone but still if I had an error and needed to call customer care or something and they ask for my username, I'm sure I'm going to actually hang up and try to solve the issue myself because no way am I going to tell the ever so cheerful customer folks "Hi yes my user name is Claire underscore the underscore best".  I'd probably end up making a joke and mention that I did my account when I was 13 and when not having an underscore was like not having Whatsapp today.

I mean, I do get that as we grow older we actually look back at stuff and realize how silly we were, heck that's the only  part of the fun of growing up, but do we actually have to keep these silly usernames.  Could we maybe come up with an app or a program which warns us that we are about to do something which will embarrass us in the future? That's not a bad idea actually.  After all, the people who created Angry Birds were a husband and wife who came up with the idea at home whilst the wife was cooking (no kitchen joke intended here).

So tell me guys, any embarrassing usernames or stuff you have online which you would love to change?


 That's the song that actually comes to mind when I think of good old 13 year old me!

Sunday, 5 August 2012

U..yes U...choose the K or the S wisely!

A little side note before I start, I have never attempted to write a fashion blog so please excuse me if I don't do the fashion world justice.  

Like everyone, the TV during meal times is at the moment constantly fixed on Eurosport and the Olympics.  Now, those who know me well enough know the Claire and sports don't mix.  I don't enjoy watching it and I especially don't enjoy doing it, so if you're confused about why I shall be writing about the Olympics, you should know this post shall deal with something closer to my heart, fashion ( and a little complaining).

Just as the August heat has taken over Malta, we seem to have been taken over by the British patriotism bug.  But that's not the problem, I'll get to what's annoying me in a second.  The British have always been patriotic and anyone who's been to London knows that flags and the red, white and blue theme is constantly shoved into your face.  Also, the whole thing has recently entered the fashion world even more and pieces with the Union Jack on it or a mix of the three colours have become a must have.

But, of course, us Maltese have to be our usual selves and go and ruin the whole trend.  So what's happening?  The lovely Maltese, instead of pairing a plain denim short (please note the bold and underline word) with a basic t-shirt with the Union Jack on it, they go all out.  And whilst going all out and wearing red,blue and white pumps, red, blue and white sunglasses and red,blue and white head bands, they get confused.  Confused you say? Yes.  You see my fellow Maltese fashionistas lose track of which country they are endorsing and all of a sudden they go across to the other side, and put on a belt with the American flag on it.  Now I'm all for mixing patterns, don't get me wrong, the words patterns and mixing invented to go together, but from Union Jack to stars and stripes...hmm...not my piece of cake.  Now in the beginning of Summer, I thought it was a couple of people who by mistake over did it a bit, but as we are going into August, these dreadful UK and US walking cocktails keep on increasing and increasing.  You see, I work at a clothes shop, situated in Malta's largest shopping mall, so I luckily I get to see loads of these people.

I do actually have a picture a friend took of someone wearing just that, but I don't want to go all out just yet, we'll just have to wait and see if this "trend" is just a result of this heat getting to people's head.  And please remember guys, one country at a time, and the subtler the look, the more effective.  Leave the atrociousness for Lady Gaga. Or Elton John, depending on which side you're on!

Thursday, 2 August 2012

The heat is on!

Hello Readers!

Recently I've been finding myself to be a very indecisive person.  Those who know me know that I am a horrible control freak, I literally freak out big time if stuff are out of my control  in my life or if things do not go as planned.  However recently I've noticed that I've been having dilemmas on stuff.  Tiny stuff but still out of character for me.  For instance, in this horrible heat, I can't decide whether I want the AC in my room on or off.  Off makes my room unbearable and when I switch it on I can only stand it for 5 minutes, then I have to switch it off.  Now that's one example, but I've had many.  It could be the heat, or it could be that I am actually slowly losing my mind.

As you guys know (if you don't please refer to blog title above) my posts have no particular genre and I post on anything.  I've commented on music and current issues and today I'm going to try my hand at giving a film review and I shall be discussing Magic Mike, yeah the male strippers movie.  So all over Facebook and Twitter and stuff we've been seeing shirtless pictures of Channing Tatum and his six pack sporting costars and there's been hype about the movie for some time, so me and the girls decided to treat ourselves to a little eye candy and go watch the movie.  And I was disappointed.  Okay, the sexy scenes were hot and the guys looked amazing whilst being funny at times.  However, the plot seemed to be a little flat.  The part which should have been the most exciting ended up being the final scene which was cut quite suddenly.  The acting was OK, however filming seemed awkward.  I'm not sure if the quality of the movie changes depending on where you go and watch the movie, but for us it seemed as though the whole movie was shot using Instagram.  Channing was his awesome self yes, however, he was supposed to be a stripper and I honestly felt as though his scenes were auditions for Step Up, little choreographies full of hip hop moves and little stripping.  All in all I would probably not recommend this movie, I'd say skip it and watch it at home where you can fast forward to the sic pack bits only.  Oh, and a warning for the Matthew Mcconaughey fans out there, our dearly beloved Matthew is getting old, and he looks it in this movie! *insert funeral music here*

So that's it for today, I hope all of you are having a great Summer.  Enjoy it while it lasts as it will soon be over, days are already getting shorter in fact!

My song for this post is the new song from P!nk who as always never fails to disappoint.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Get in line...and settle down!

Well, hello World! How you been?

I haven't posted in ages, I think it was back in June when I was still doing exams and stuff so I'll use this post to give an update on what's been going on in my life at the moment.  Summer's been great so far, the usual beach, parties, going out and work.  I'm sticking to the list I made earlier on this year, with the exception of sewing. The reading's been going great and I can't keep myself away from my Kindle! Yay!

I've also started re-watching Desperate Housewives.  Although I was a fan for years, I just realized I've never actually seen season 1 and it's just as awesome as the rest, so I'm enjoying some new episodes.  Considering how crappy Pretty Little Liars has become, I had to find some other TV show to let my mind turn to mush for some time.

My first proper attempt at using Photoshop.
I've also taken up a new hobby. Photography.  I went out and got myself a semi decent DSLR, nothing out of this world but it takes a good picture and it makes using Photoshop much more fun.  I'll attach a photo that I played around with this morning so you can get an idea of what I've been doing.  I love really close close-ups, making the picture a bit weird.  Might I note that in no way do I consider myself some great photographer and I promise that there won't be any "My Photography" albums on Facebook anytime soon, I'll just post pictures which I think are pretty just like I'll post a song which I'll think is good.  Fair right?

Songs. How awesome is the new song by No Doubt? I was a bit "eh" when I heard they were making their comeback, considering the last couple of songs Gwen had released were nothing special.  BUT they managed to make me hit the repeat button on Youtube a couple of times, something I never do.  The song's catchy chorus has had me singing  belting out the lyrics non stop.  I was also amazed at how beautiful Gwen Stefani still is.  Not only is she a mother of two but she's 42 and looks honestly I think she could pass for 28.  I love how she wears stuff together which would be weird on normal people but she makes them look so ordinary as though she just picked two pieces off a rail and went just went out.  The video for the song is cute, especially the part with the band hugging as though they haven't seen each other for a while, gives the whole comeback thing a sweet touch.  What didn't impress me was the straight out ads for stuff.  We get a close up shot of the Ice Watches they band members are wearing and the lipgloss shot is also too much of an ad for me.

That's it for today, I'll try and post stuff more often.  'Till then, enjoy Summer as much as possible,

Monday, 18 June 2012

Some general reviewing!

Hang in there kids...summer is less than a week away...for me! Anyway most people are ready so I won't offend anyone by bragging!

I was busy with a difficult exam, hence my lack of posts.  I recently came across posts and photos on Tom Hank's blog from when he was in Malta, and I was so surprised by how much he enjoyed the little things we tale for granted. He took pictures of him having a meal at St.Julians, probably Paparazzi or something like that, and the comments were mind blowing.  People were saying all sorts of positive things about Malta, and the patriotic side of me was over the moon.  We take our country for granted so often that it takes someone like Tom Hanks to make us realize how lucky we are to live here.  To be honest, I never actually thought about Malta not being a great country, it's the Malteseres who are the problem, but that's another post topic I'll tackle another time.  I'm going to add another item to my never ending Summer 2012 to-do list and make sure I appreciate all the little things in Malta we take for granted.

Now moving on to something completely different, a couple of months ago I bought a Kindle (for those who don't know, its an awesome ebook gadget,with incredible clarity). Being a B.A student in English, I bought it for University,however the kindle has not left my side since I've bought it. And no, I do not study that much  I've always been a bookworm, but the Kindle has taken things to a whole new level.  Not having to buy books, for one, allows me to finish a book and start another immediately.  Not carrying around heavy books in my handbag, is another.  Looking cool and explaining to people the awesomeness of the gadget is just a bonus.  You also loose track of how far you are, because obviously you can't see pages, and that for me is so cool because I can immerse myself in the story without the usual anticipation that something will soon happen because I'm nearing the end.  So, if you love reading, enjoy gadgets, and have some extra cash, invest in a Kindle, and believe me, you will not regret it.  (oh and it's effect is contagious, a friend and my mum both now have one!)

I have to hit the books again, damn it!

Hopefully the next time I post I'll be sipping a cocktail on the beach! =P


Song is just as random as my post today. Enjoy the newly revamped Cheryl, formerly Cheryl Cole, ex-wife of the oh-so-handsome-yet-lady-named Ashley Cole.

Sunday, 10 June 2012


Kill me now! I'm on the verge of  a breakdown and of course...I vent in my blog!  I'm stuck studying this stupid Psychology credit...I simply can't understand how Aphasia will help me with PR later on in my career.  But anyway, I have to do it and it will be over on Tuesday.  (If you hear fireworks coming from the Mosta area...that's me celebrating)

Oh, firework season is here. YAY! Now I understand that locally, our fireworks are really good, and we win all sorts of awards and titles, but I simply cannot understand the fascination with them.  I know they're amazing, but all I can hear is BUM BUM.  You see yesterday a dear friend invited us over to his place to see these fireworks because they are set off really close to his house.  We were eating and drinking and drinking and anyway you get it.  Now the fireworks started at 9 30.  I only realized they had started at around 11, I looked up, appreciated the colours for 35 seconds and went back to my drink.  Now people all over the place were looking up and appreciating the stuff and I'm sure that they were amazing, but I just can't get myself to be fascinated by them.  Am I missing a Maltese gene somewhere? (ah, psychology came in handy finally...I used the word "gene") I consider myself very patriotic, but me and fireworks, we never hit it off.

Now I must apologize but exam stress has led to me feeling so funny.  I laugh at my own jokes and believe I'm this hilarious person, so if I say something which is stupid and completely out of context, please note that I think it's funny.  Yes, I am on the verge of a mental breakdown.  (darn psychology reference again...) I actually want to laugh out loud at anything, something I utterly hate.  I never understand why some people feel the need to giggle or laugh for nothing in particular.  Don't they realize that they look really stupid and annoy the shit out of me? I guess not.  These people who laugh for no particular reason should switch their laughing to crying for no particular reason, maybe that way they will realize how silly they look.

And I'm starting to complain about stuff which means it's time I shut my mouth and go back to the books.

Have a great Sunday y'all,
- C

I made a joke about this song yesterday and I thought it was soooo I'm putting this one up.

Monday, 28 May 2012


Dear Readers,

Please excuse me if I make lots of typos today, I've been studying all day and I'm seeing double.  If you follow my posts on a regular basis, you have probably realized that I've been posting more often.  And today, I'm going to tell you the secret why.  You see, the more work I've got to do, the closer exams get, the more inspired I feel.  See, I knew exams had to be there for a reason.  No but I'm serious, not just for those studying out there, but for everyone in general, do you find that you get distracted more often when you have something you really have to do.  Notice I said  have and not want.

For example today, I suddenly had an urge to clean weird surfaces, like the fan next to me, the window netting.  I just suddenly wanted to clean.  I know some psychology person will say it's probably an extension of my inner fear or stress ( they do that those people, put lots of fancy words together when they could have easily said something like "you're freaked the hell out", but anyway) My theory on what's wrong with me, I'm bored.  So I clean, and post over here. (Hopefully not boring anyone)

Another thing I realized today is that the weather in Malta is...wait for it (How I Met Your Mother awesome are Lily and Marshall, calling their kid waitforit??)...not HOT!  I'm still wearing long pants and denim jackets and hoodies and all the stuff I love in Winter.  Not that I'm complaining, I hate the heat with a passion, but seriously what is up with that?  It's June next week and it's still really chilly in the evenings.  Do you think the End of the world could realllly be coming? Nah, it's probably Mother Nature's way of telling us to be prepared for one hell of a warm Summer ahead.  Kill me now if that's the case.

Anyway, I didn't do that many errors, so I'm stopping here before I do.


Saturday, 26 May 2012

I said it first!

Of course I'm gonna do a Eurovision post.  If I don't it's like a Maltese seven year old decides that he doesn't want to do his Holy Communion.  This year I decided I won't follow what's going on, because it's useless and we never go anywhere.  But then that damn Kurt Calleja (and team, please don't forget the AND TEAM) had to go and make it through to the final round.  I must make myself clear.  I honestly believed it was one of the top 3 performances we have ever presented, alongside Ira's and Chiara's number one trip.  So yeah, I have my eurovision fever on.

It's obviously understood that we go all crazy during this time.  Our little island is mentioned several times in one night, why wouldn't we be proud?  I have never understood why the Government insists on spending hundreds every year instead of supporting acts like Winter Moods or all those other really great bands or dancers or whatever.  But this year I finally realized what the whole thing is.  If we ever (God help us all then) win, the publicity we would get would be huge and our tourism, which is basically our only resource of income, would go sky high.  Have you ever realized how beautiful Azerbaijan is? I for sure haven't, but now I do and it's on my list of places I want to go.  So yeah, keep on funding the contest, maybe one day we'll make it.

Now on to the actual songs. (see what I mean, it's not about the songs, we talk of the songs last, or at least I do.) Obviously Sweden is going to win, no question about that.  What is funny though is how people are saying that Sweden is going to win as though they were the ones to come up with that idea and then when Sweden actually wins, they will all be proud of themselves that they had in some status or another said that Sweden will win.  Book-whatever they are called (i can never remember what the guys who give the odds are called...but you know which ones) have been putting it in number 1 for months now, so yeah we all know who's winning.  You can rule out Greece, Malta and the hideous songs.  So you have Greece who will definately not win, for obvious reason, we will not win because the song isn't thaaat good, and the hideous songs, well they're hideous.  That leaves 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th place open for Germany, Norway, old ladies and Turkey.  Germany is my close second...but like I said on a Facebook status, it sounds too American, and songs like that never win.  Norway's song sucks and he looks like a Ken-gone-wrong, but he'll be a favorite for sure.  The old ladies, I love, but they have just ruined the contest for next's going to be like St.Vincent De Paule put up a talent show. Remember Lordi, well you can't forget them, we get a couple of Lordi-like bands every year.

So that's it...that's Eurovision post done.  I can now relax knowing that the duty to my country has been made.  Enjoy the night guys...don't scream too much and don't say you knew Sweden will win, I said it first!=P
2 videos today...Kurt's and Germany's songs!

Thursday, 24 May 2012

From CC to MG! =)

I'd like to dedicate this post to a very special friend who's leaving tomorrow.  I'm going to be honest, saying goodbye, even if for a while, is always hard and I have to admit, I'm tearing up writing this, so please excuse me if I jumble up some words.

Irrelevant of the length of time one's leaving, a goodbye is always a goodbye and it's never easy.  Those who know me know that I'm not one to shy away from my feelings and I believe that it's OK to cry, heck I cry if there's an emotional song on X factor.  But amidst all these tears, I'm smiling because I know that my friend will do great things, and he'll come back with so much accomplished.

On that note, I want to wish him all the luck in the world, I wish you didn't have to go for such a long stretch of time, but I know you're going to do great! Remember, we are all a Skype call away.

No comments about the song! =)


Monday, 21 May 2012

What you laughing at?

So today, after 4 hours locked up in the library, I decided to pop down to the toilet, stretch my legs, and get some fresh air.  As most of you know, here in Malta we have horrible weather at the moment, Global warming and all that.  And today was really windy.  So as soon as I was walking out the door my hair was all over the place.  I badly need a trim because my hair is growing too long now, soon going to strangle myself at night.  So anyway, the wind blew my hair and I found the next window, stopped, and arranged my hair,put my fringe back in place, and anyway after approximately 30-40 seconds doing that, I realized I was staring right into a professor's office, with him staring right at me. (I'm hoping it wasn't the Rector, because I sincerely have no idea where his office is).  I froze there and then, him still looking at me and the I turned and bolted.  The dude was on a swivvel chair for god's sake, he could have moved a bit so I could realize he was there, but anyway, when I got over my shock, I realized the whole thing was extremely funny and would make a good story (I hope it does or else I just wasted 2 minutes of your time whilst you read that)

I actually love embarassing moments stories, they can make any dull conversation so much better.  As long as you can laugh at yourself.  I love laughing at myself.  If it was silly, then I why shouldn't I laugh.  I hate people who don't embrase these moments and try to justify that what they did wasn't stupid or funny.  Life is so frickin' serious all the time, so what if someone laughs at my expense.

Also today, my parents were invited to a concert of some sort, and my mum yelled to my father not to forget l-invit (the invite) and my dad though she said l-inbid (the wine).  Now my dad, being the patient man he is asked my mum why she'd need it? To which she answered "Heq to give it to the guard at the entrance eh so he can let us in".  Now I was witnessing all this from the next room, and I could immediately see my dad trying to figure out what sort of concert needed my mum to take a bottle of wine with her to let them in.  After I let him look puzzled for about 2 minutes I couldn't take it any longer and burst our laughing saying "she hahahaha said hahaha l-invit"  My mum then came down and saw us both crying with laughter, thinking we have finally lost it.

But do you get the point? My dad laughed his head off at himself, and it made the whole thing even funnier. I love that.  If only we all could be like that, right?

I'd love to hear your embarassing moments, I did give you two stories in one post you know.

 I know I should post a song, but I really and truly can't think of anything, so I'm skipping that today! Feel free to suggest any song you think goes well with this post and I'll add it and give the person a shout out!

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Press Play

 I inverted my usual pattern today, as you can see.  Instead of ending with a song which was inspired by my post, I'm posting the song which inspired my post.  So while you're reading play and enjoy.

I'm not posting anything long today, just a quick post during my mini-study breaks.  How awesome is this song, right?  You're probably not in the Joseph Calleja part yet, so keep on listening.  Winter Moods have been my favourite local band for as long as I can remember, mostly because they never gave in to being like everyone else.  They kick ass at ballads, so they stuck to ballads.  But then, they put Calleja in the mix, that way gaining more fans(go play this to your Nannu who loves La Boheme...see what he thinks =P) AND the publicity of our local star.  Aren't they little geniuses? Usually in Malta, the problem is we lack innovation, but not these guys.

I seriously hope this song gets as much air time as possible and maybe the band will get recognition abroad through Calleja, because they truly deserve it.

OK, study break over.  Go on Facebook,and share the deserves to be HUGE!


Friday, 11 May 2012

Hey..where are you?

So tomorrow a great friend (and a fan of my blogs..yay =) ) is organizing a special birthday BBQ.  It's the first of many I'm sure and I'm super excited.  I love the beach, especially Ghajn Tuffieha Bay, where we're going.  So I bought the the meat and the sausages etc...and I got thinking..what's my favourite part of BBQ?? Hmmm could it be the company, the semi-raw food? NO.  It's the people who come late.  So half the group decided to go swimming before the BBQ and the other half come later.  And it all begins.  Mobiles are left in the bag, so it's after about half an hour that we realize they're ringing. And here goes:

"Hey where are you?"
"Ghajn Tuffieha" - Stupid answer number 1
"Yes sweet but where?"
" Can you see a group with a BBQ set?"- No because I'm in the middle of the Jungle and all I can see are trees and monkeys
"Yes I see the BBQ...but not you..."
"Mela...I'm wearing a light pink bikini...and the boys are running around with a ball...can you see us now?"- Yes because all the other boys are playing chess and our group is the only one with a ball.
" No ta' can't seem to see you"
"Wait mela, let me get someone else to explain"
"Hey where are you?"
"Ghajn Tuffieha"

And that goes on until some less lazy person decides to go walk 50 meters for the newcomer.  Now the person on the beach has already probably drank a couple of beers so an unusual calm is upon him/her.  But the person just arriving is hot, annoyed at the fact that he/she hasn't had any beers yet, and probably carrying a gazzilion coolers and bags.  Because you see, in Malta, when you go to a BBQ, you take enough food for everyone, and all you feel like eating is a sausage and a packet of galletti and Bigilla.

So please, those who go earlier than others, don't be lazy this summer.  You'll be helping someone swear less. =P

Safe BBQing people! =P

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Take me back...back to Summer Paradise!

Hey! Blogger has been calling my name for a couple of days now and after fighting the urge to stop mid-way through studying to blog,  I finally gave in.  I haven't posted for a while because when I had started this I promised myself that I will only write when I feel inspired, not restricting myself to a particular time or day.

I can't believe summer is just round the corner.  I hadn't actually realized how close we are (even though my school calendar reminds me on a daily basis that we are getting closer to June) 'till I started to feel the heat.  It started with the car being too hot, my room too warm.  Now I already can't bear socks unless I'm wearing shoes and my winter quilt is nicely packed away.  So yeah, summer is close.  I've decided that this Summer, just in case it's the last Summer before the world ends (not really the reason, but anyway), is going to be my summer of new possibilities.

I intend to learn how to sew, amidst all the mocking by my dear family and friends, I'm still going to do it and by the end of summer, I'm going to be able to post a photo of what I've actually sewn.  That's a promise.  I intend to read a whole lot everything and anything.  When I was a little girl, summer was pure bliss because of the simple fact that I could spend 12 hours reading, book after book.  This summer I intend to do just that, not for 12 hours obviously, but instead of pushing the refresh button on Facebook a gazzilion times a day, I'm going to try and be just like my little self was.

I also want to take up art again.  I could do something with a pencil back in the day, but school got in the way and I haven't drawn or painted anything since my o'level and I miss it.  Obviously I want to eat as many raw sausages full of charcoal bits as possible.  It wouldn't be Sumer without the BBQs right?  Only I'm going to try and take it slow this year.  Last year I had an average of 2-3 BBQs per weekend, yes one on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  As much as I loved every one of them, by mid August I got so sick of BBQ food that I would end up eating at home and then just chill at the beach. Ohhh and I want to sleep under the stars on the beach this year too.

I'm a bit too ambitious though. right? Considering that this is my shortest Summer in 4 years and I have to juggle work and dancing as well, I hope I'm not getting in over my head here!

So what do you guys want this Summer? Anything which might interest me enough to add to my never ending list?  =)

I nearly forgot my song part, I'm going to go for my all time favourite band for this post, Simple Plan, with their song Summer Paradise feat. K'Naan and NOT Sean Paul.  I hate it when bands go all commercial on I'm sticking with the original one found on their album. Enjoy!

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Guess who's back?

Hey there! I haven't posted in a while.  I've turned twenty, been to London and back and been to Gozo and back! Oh, and I've gone back to work and back to University...=(

Talking about going back to places, yesterday I went to Paceville after about 4 months.  Apart from the usual stench of alcohol+sweat+vomit and the kids who seem to have managed to run away from their babysitter, I realized that the place is going through some changes.  Yay for that I love change.  But what caught my attention was the usual lack of safety precautions found when renovations are being made.  So you see, some youngsters in Malta seem to enjoy a drink on a Saturday, a dance with some hot girl, and a fight. Actually, make that fights.  So my question is this...why would the authorities or builders or who eve,r think it wise to leave large building materials (metal rods, bricks,metal nets, etc) running about in the middle of the street?  If one single person decided to pick one of these objects and hit someone with it, multiple people would surely end up seriously hurt.  Now people seem to ignore these materials and simply walk past, leading me to believe that they were left behind knowing that the people who fight and might use them, do not have enough sense to think that hitting someone with a brick would hurt him more than hitting them with there fist.  Or it could be I'm the one with the horrible mind thinking that if I got into a fight, I'd use the brick.

So since I'm on the subject of going back to places I'm gonna mention a comeback which recently occurred in the music world.  The comeback of Mick Jagger.  The dude, after spending a year listening to Ke$ha and Maroon5 and Black Eyed Peas and basically anyone signed with a recording label, mention his name over, decided to return to the commercial music scene by featuring on a Will.I.Am and J.Lo song.  Now I love these two, and the song(I'm gonna post it down here later) is quite catchy, but I am confused as to why I'm fascinated by this collaboration.  Is it because Jagger made it back into the charts, alongside two modern day successful artists, or is it because I can't seem to understand why he would do such a thing.  Could it be he's jealous of Madonna? She is after all collaborating with Nicki Minaj and LMFAO.  If I have to be completely honest I'd have to say I'm disappointed that Jagger gave in to the commercial pressure and collaborated. Now let's hope Bon Jovi or Aerosmith won't get any similar genius ideas!

Are you looking forward to things coming back? With Spring soon here, fashion trends may see things coming back from past seasons and I love that, the whole recreation of a trend, so I'm definately looking forward to that come back.

Till next time,

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Private Party!

So last Saturday I went out with a couple of friends to this hip new place! Lot's of sushi and cocktails and an overall great vibe! So all was going great, and there were little things which made the place even more unique, like having a doorman open the door, something small but cute! Until then I'd give the place a very good review. But then we went out the door and my friend, who was just behind me, came running saying she couldn't believe what she had just heard.  I though it would be some hamallata, but alas it wasn't.  My friend overheard the doorman telling two colored men that they couldn't enter because it was a private party.  Now we were just in there and we were 100% sure we weren't attending any party.  And I froze.  I looked back to see the two men and they were smartly dressed and perfectly suitable to go in, heck they probably looked smarter than half the people in there.  But yet they were not allowed in.  Even worse, they were lied to.

Now those who are Facebook users know that a chain whatever they call it on facebook  thing has been going round, a story about racism on a plane, and people have been posting it and being all ashamed, but last Saturday, this was happening right in front of several people's eyes (not mine because I would have definately said something) and nobody did anything.  Nobody said that as far as they know it wasn't a private party.  They just went on with their lives like nothing had happened.

I know racism exists, but I could not believe it actually occurs like that.  I'm not going to say much, we all know it's wrong. I'm not even going to comment on the fact that the owner, in my opinion looked less worthy of being their then the actual men who were refused to enter.

Needless to say, I'm never going there again!


Sunday, 22 January 2012

Just Freak Out!

So, being a University student, and being one who freaks out over nothing, I am currently in a state of panic.  Exams start tomorrow and even though I know that I couldn't have done much more, I am still freaking out.  Now I don't know if it's all the studying getting to my head or just the simple fact that I might be growing up a bit, but right at the very back of my mind, way way back, but it's there, I have some sort of calm because I know this will soon be over and I won't even realize.  And I got to think, why do we always fear something so much, but we know and have concrete proof that it will be over before we know it.  Going to the dentist is just the same, you spend more time freaking out then the actual visit.

We all fear something and that's understandable, but why do we fear things we know are soon going to pass? Is it because we are so pessimistic that we think "hey this time round it's gonna be different, it's not gonna pass by so quickly" or is it because we simply love to make a fuss.  Personally, I know what my answer is, I love to make a fuss.  Plain and simple.  I am a pure drama queen and I make little things so big that I actually laugh at myself after.  Just to give an example of what a drama queen I am, I once phoned my boyfriend at 3:30 in the morning, from my mum's phone, giving him the fright of his life, just to tell him my Blackberry wasn't working.  So you get the point, I make a big deal of things.  I want to learn however, how to be less like this, how actually let things go by without making a big deal or freaking out.  Maybe that will be my next new year's resolution, if we have one that is.

Good luck guys, put your mind there and if you've studied you will be ok.  For the benefit of the poor souls who are drama queens like me, freak out, cry your heart out, think you're the stupidest person ever, then wash your face and go kick that exam's ass....then do it all over again before results come in! =P


Oh and I didn't forget the's "Freak Out" by my personal all time favourite, Avril Lavigne!

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Life of a student at its best!

So I'm freaking out and freezing my ass off and to cheer myself up a bit, I'm going to blog! My brain cells are almost all dead so please excuse me if my work isn't what it usually is.

Ok, so I am sleep deprived.  Not only can I not sleep in in the mornings or take my afternoon naps, but I am also not sleeping properly at night.  So I got to thinking about sleep.  Well actually what came to mind was what makes a perfect 'getting up'?

1. Do not come yelling/shaking/banging or any energetic action in my room.  I like to be woken up gently and preferably with a perfectly warm muyg of coffee (luckily I have an angel of a daddy who does that).

2. Do not tell me anything of importance early in the morning or anything which I'll need to remember, because, I simply won't.

3.  Do not make me sit for an exam at 8am.  Seriously education people, who functions at 8am? Not me! Don't make exams that early because it's just torture for us students.

4. This goes out to those radio stations who insist on waking us up in the morning.  Bay Radio I love you, but seriously I want to smash my stereo every time I hear "Rise and Shine Cupcake".  No, just don't.  It makes the poor driver stuck in traffic on a freezing morning feel like shit.  Definately not a cupcake. Seriously.

5. Do not say "good morning facebookers" we know it's morning.

So you get my point, I'm not a morning person.

Moving on to something more serious,  SOPA.  No, not your Nanna's warm, veggie mix.  But an american bill that's working it's way into congress. The StopOnlinePiracyAct.  Hence, the blackout seen on Wikipedia today.  Websites like Wikipedia are protesting against this bill, which if comes into action, will give the creators of content a lot of power over the internet.  That is, piracy over the internet will be taken more seriously.  Now I'm sure that all of us take part in this.  Even if you claim to not download music, TV shows, ebooks, pictures, whatever, I'm sure you do in some way take part in internet piracy.  Legal action will be taken so it might be taken seriously for a while, though personally I still believe that some other way will be found and we will still be able to download stuff.  For once Malta was before the US, remember the monti CDs vs police debacle a couple of years back?

My blog is called this and that afterall...enjoy

Keep warm

Friday, 13 January 2012


Happy Friday the 13th everyone! Make it a great day and ignore all the shit people invent because of a silly date!!! =)

So this week has been particularly boring, I've just been studying and sleeping and eating like a pig.  Nothing much. But, I seem to be surrounded by a sort of wave of "wrong time for mobile phone to ring" moments.  We have the whole local political debacle going on, I had a lecturer actually answering her phone during a lecture and during my dancing class we had constant signals coming into the various blackberries which kept on causing the speakers to experience interference.  Now I must say first and foremost that I have, on more than one occasion replied to a text or BBM during a lecture and left my phone next to speakers.  So I'm not judging. I want to actually try to come up with some sort of understanding as to when it is appropriate to use a phone and when it's not.  In general, we have gained some sort of mutual understanding as to where we should switch off mobiles, like in churches(although, luckily for the bored worshiper you always get that one lady with the huge bag who's phone rings as soon as we are all kneeling down to pray) and hospitals.  We also do not use mobiles when talking to people in a formal way or when driving (again, I'm not judging!)

But what about those situations where not all of us have the same opinions.  That is for example, I see nothing wrong with texting someone, with my mobile phone on silent of course, during a film. My boyfriend hates that and snatches my phone away as "this is not the place to be texting".  For my family, having your mobile phone on the table whilst eating is like having salt and pepper on the table, but for my grandparents, this is very unethical and they don't see the need for mobile phones whilst we're eating.

So, my question is we need a reform in the etiquette system which includes mobile phones? Something like how we have etiquette for cutlery and way of speaking..etc etc. Or should one do as they please? I personally believe in the latter, as long as my usage does not bother people directly.  So what if whilst I'm eating I text, it's my phone that's getting food all over it.  I wouldn't be at a family dinner and leave the phone on, with some hideous ring tone going off every 2 minute, but if it's on silent and I happen to receive/send a text, why not?

I know it's stupid...but I used to love this song and when i typed "phone" it came up so I'm using this one today! Enjoy!

Happy Weekend
- C

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Tik Tok

Good morning! I'm blogging early today.  I'm a university student for those who don't know, and I drive, so you do the math. (For those who don't know...parking is a nightmare here at UoM...but anyway.) Sticking to the subject of driving, I just drove by a huge billboard with Valentine's Day adverts on it.  Now I know strictly speaking it's just a month till Valentines, and I love the holiday don't get me wrong, but it got me thinking.  We say life is sooo short, but then again, why are we always counting.  After the new year, it's Valentine's, then after that it's easter, then summer, etc etc.  I get that it all has to do with advertising and all, but we all do it even with our personal stuff...1 week to that 1 month to that.  For me 3rd January is the day I start counting for my birthday, which is a month later.  What I'm saying is, why don't we just enjoy the moment, and stop counting.

Unfortunately, I have the answer.  It's because we are never happy with what we have.  We hope for better, even if things are great and we are lucky enough to have great people and things in our lives.  Or it's because we are so lucky that we constantly have things to look forward to.  Either way, we're counting.

In my last post I mentioned that I love series.  So for my fellow addicts, last night One Tree Hill : The Final Season (yeah, that's what it's actually called this year *weep*) aired. So all those OTH, grab your uTorrent and let's hope for a good season.

Like I said last time, I'm going to end my post with a video.  I chose "Someone like You"  by Adele this time round.  I love the song but I chose it because of a particular line which relates to the above idea of time, "only yesterday was the time of our lives".  I agree with this completely and hats off to who ever wrote the song for pointing that out.

- C

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

So..I've been wanting to this  for a long time, I read a couple of blogs and I love writing..but I never actually got to sticking to one. This time is going to be different.  With exams coming up and assignments due, I have all the time in the world to dedicate to my blog!

Anyway, here's how things are going to go down.  I'll write about anything and anyone that comes to mind and , if need be, moan and whine about it.  I'll talk shit about those things I hate and show my love for those I love.  Those who know me know what a blabber mouth I am, but I'll try to keep things under control here!

Ok, first up on my agenda for today, politics.  Malta is going through a rough patch and I understand that people are concerned about the situation...etc etc etc...but what really concerns me is this little question that's been going through my mind since this whole situation started...and my question to my fellow citizens is this...who gave you the idea that just because you are on Facebook and you happen to have heard the name Franco Debono you can go about posting things on your wall like you're some kind of political advisor.  OK you follow the news, ok you read blogs and articles, but seriously, how many people actually know what they're talking about? Yeah you have an idea, because in this country even our pets know some thing about politics, but seriously people, let's leave the witty comments to the politicians, and let's stick to liking things!

Moving on, being a series addict that I am, following with great interest about 9 different series in one season, and adding to this the whole time difference hassle, I tend to get confused as to what has aired or not.  So, my boyfriend suggested where you basically put in the episodes you watch and it tells you what has aired when and if you've watched it or nor.  Now he also said it's been around for a while so it could just be me who's discovering it now, but I love it anyways and thought I'd share.  Oh, and it conveniently has a section telling you how much time you've wasted. Nice.

To conclude, I will be posting a video of the song I'm loving or which has some significant meaning.  It's Kelly Clarkson's What doesn't kill you...which feature a quote I love "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". A pop-rock, anthem style song, the usual Kelly style, but a good song to sing along to!

Untill the next time,